Move to another Host

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This article describes how to move a EQdkp Plus >= 2.0 to another host and how to adjust the config/settings.

Support Toolkit

We recommend that you use our Support Toolkit for moving, as it will check requirements and makes all the changes for you.

  • Create Backup on old host - Before moving all data to the new Host, go to the Backup-Section in the Admin Panel of the EQdkp Plus Installation on the old host and create a new Database-Backup.
  • Move all data to the new host - Use a FTP-Program or the rsync-command to transfer the whole EQdkp Plus Installation from the old to the new host. Please make sure that you will copy the data-folder and the config.php in the root folder of the EQdkp Plus Installation
  • Create a new database - Create a database for the EQdkp Plus Installation, if you don't have it done yet. Of course you can use an existing one.
  • Download the Support Toolkit
  • Upload the "supporttool"-Folder into the root directory of your moved EQdkp Plus Installation
  • Navigate in your Browser to the uploaded supporttool folder
  • Start the task "Moving from another Host" and follow the instructions

Manual Moving

Please follow this guide step-by-step.


Use a Database Maintenance Tool like phpMyAdmin, mysqldump, HeidiSQL or the integrated Backup function of EQdkp Plus to create a Backup of your EQdkp Plus Database. After that, download this backup to your local PC. Go to your new host, create a Database if you don't have one yet, and import the Database Backup.


Use (S)FTP oder the rsync-command to copy all files from your old host to the new one. This includes the config.php, .htaccess files, the data Folder and any other files and folders. When you're finished, you have to modify the following files and folders

Adjust config.php

The config.php is located in the root Folder of your EQdkp Plus Installation. You have to adjust the Database Settings there, but also the FTP Settings. Replace the old credentials and settings with the new ones. Table Prefix and Encryption Keys don't have to be modified, because your will import the old database.


The data-Folder and its subfolders needs Writing Permissions (see own permission article). If the database's name has been changed, you have to rename your old specific data subfolder, data/<MD5-Hash>. The Name of the data sufolder is a md5 Hash, containing the Database Name and Table Prefix. Example:

  • Database name: usr_web14_1
  • Table prefix: eqdkp_
  • New data folder name = md5(TablePrefixDatabasename), means md5(eqdkp_usr_web14_1)

If you have installed a new EQdkp Plus 2.3, than there is no specific data subfolder anymore.


If you have changed the folder location of your EQdkp Plus installation (means e.g. from "http://domain/myeqdkp/" to "http://domain/new-eqdkp/", you have to adjust the server_path. Therefore, change the value of server_path at table eqdkp23_prefix (prefix maybe differs). The new server_path would be /new-eqdkp/ in this example. If the EQdkp Plus is in the root folder of your domain, the server_path should be a simple slash ("/").

UPDATE eqdkp23_config SET config_value='/new-eqdkp/' WHERE config_name='server_path' AND config_plugin='core';

After hat, delete the localconfig.php in folder data/<MD5HASH>/eqdkp/config/.

Login errors

After a move to another host, there is the possibility that users cannot login anymore. This happens, if the old server supported some encryption methods that the new one doesn't support. If this happens, you can reset the password for your user to login:

  • Use a database maintenance Tool and go to table eqdkp23_users
  • Use a online md5-Hash Generator to create a md5 Hash of a known password of you
  • Insert this hash into the user_password column of your admin user

Now you should be able to login again. Your users should use the "Forgot password" link to reset their passwords, but they need this only if there is no CMS Bridge, because then the passwords will be updated automatically during login.

Recreate CMS Bridge

If there are connection errors with CMS Bridge, the Bridge will be deactivated automatically. That means that you have to recreate your CMS Bridge Settings.


If you have problems after moving your page, you can follow the Debugging guide to find the problems.

General Questions

  • Have you adjusted the credentials and database name at config.php?
  • Have you adjusted the server_path to the right value?
  • Have you give data-Folder and Subfolder writing permissions?