File- and Folderpermissions

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This articles describes which permissions the files and folders of EQdkp Plus are required.

PHP Mode

The default mode requires the most permissions and should be used, if there is no FTP User or there are performance issues. If the Webuser (user of the webserver process) is equal to the owner of the files, you need less permissions than if both users are not the same.

Folder/File Webuser in same group as file owner Webuser not in same group as file owner
Folder data/ and all subfolders CHMOD 755 CHMOD 777
Files in folder data/ and all subfolders CHMOD 644 CHMOD 666
config.php after Installation CHMOD 640 CHMOD 644

If you use Live-Update to update EQdkp Plus, all folders of EQdkp Plus need writing permissions (CHMOD 755 or CHMOD 777).

FTP Mode

Using FTP Mode, all Writing actions will be done using the FTP Protocol. In this mode, only one folder needs writing permissions

Folder/File Webuser in same group as file owner Webuser not in same group as file owner Note
Folder data/97384261b8bbf966df16e5ad509922db/tmp/ CHMOD 755 CHMOD 777 Needed during Installation only
Folder data/(hash)/tmp/ CHMOD 755 CHMOD 777 Is needed for temp. files and writing the FTP files
config.php after Installation CHMOD 640 CHMOD 644

Problems with CHMOD 777

Some server do block access to files if they have CHMOD 0777 (resulting in Error 500 - Internal Server Error). That is because the EQdkp gives new files automatically CHMOD 0777. You can adjust the CHMOD that new files should get by defining the following contant in your config.php before the closing ?> :

define('CHMOD', 0755);

Of course you have to adjust the 0755 to a value appropriate for your server.