Version Update

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You can Update EQdkp Plus very easily, using different methods. We will always give you the possibility to upgrade or update your software, if you are using a released software version. If you are running nightly versions (that means code downloaded at github and not in our repository) you might not be able to upgrade to the latest version.

Download of Updates & Upgrades

Here you will find all download links. Which version you should download will be described in the next sections.

Versions and Upgradepaths

Target-Version Released at Upgrade possible from Download Notes
0.6 2012-10-03 - Download
1.0 2013-11-03 - Download Own installation required, import of 0.6 possible
2.0 2012-04-22 1.0 Download Last Version with 0.6-Importer. No Live-Update from 1.0 possible, see #Upgrade from EQdkp Plus 1.0 to 2.0
2.1 2015-09-22 1.0, 2.0 Download Added LESS Compiler which can cause problems, see #Upgrade from EQdkp Plus 2.0 to 2.1
2.2 2015-12-26 2.1 Download No direct update from 1.0 possible
2.3 2017-04-12 2.1, 2.2 Download


You should always use the latest releast version of the target version when upgrading. Download-Links see Table above.

Used Version Target-Version Upgradepath
0.6 2.2 Install 1.0 and import from 0.6; Then Upgrade to 2.1; Then Upgrade to 2.2
1.0 2.2 Upgrade to 2.1; Then Upgrade to 2.2
2.0 2.2 Upgrade to 2.2
2.1 2.2 Upgrade to 2.2
0.6 2.3 Install 1.0 and import from 0.6; Then Upgrade to 2.1; Then Upgrade to 2.3
1.0 2.3 Upgrade to 2.1; then Upgrade to 2.3
2.0 2.3 Upgrade to 2.2; then upgrade to 2.3
2.1 2.3 Upgrade to 2.3
2.2 2.3 Upgrade to 2.3

Automatic Update (LiveUpdate)

If all requirements for LiveUpdate are fulfilled (OpenSSL, Writing Permissions), you just need to follow the instructions of the LiveUpdate. But updating using LiveUpdate can cause problems, therefore it is recommended to create a Backup of your FTP Files and your Database.

Manual Update

If LiveUpdate cannot be executed, because requirements are not fulfilled, you have to update on your own. We highly recommend using the live update system.

Download Update

Go to the page and select the your current installed version. An package will be displayed which should be downloaded by you.

Activate Maintenance Mode

You should activate the maintenance mode, so normal users cannot login and don't notice any errors during upgrading process.

Create Backup

You should create a backup from the Files of your current EQdkp Plus Installation, but also from the Database. For Database-Backup, you can use the built-in Backup function located in the Admin Area of EQdkp Plus.

Upload Files

Extract your downloaded Update Package and upload the files using (S)FTP onto your webspace. You have to overwrite all files, excluding the config.php and the data-Folder.

Open the EQdkp Plus System

Now you can open your EQdkp Plus system in your Browser. If Database Updates are required, the Maintenance Mode will show a message. After that, you can disable the Maintenance Mode.

Clear the Caches

  • Go to the ACP > Cache Management and clear the cache
  • Go to the ACP > Extension Management > Styles-Tab and clear the template cache

Update Templates

If the templates have been updated, you will find a message in the Extension Management. There you can select what should happen with your modified files. An automatic update of modified templates is not possible, therefore your are responsible for updating the Templates if you want to keep your modified files.

Upgrade from EQdkp Plus 1.0 to 2.0

  • Backup your database, using a tool like phpMyAdmin
  • Backup your files, using FTP or Console
  • Delete all files except config.php and the whole data-Folder
  • Download the release package and extract it
  • Upload the files into the folder of your EQdkp Plus Installation (the index.php has to be in the root of your EQdkp Plus installation)
  • Open your EQdkp Plus site in your browser (e.g., but not the installer) und follow the upgrading process

Possible Problems

  • If you are not redirected to maintenance mode, add /maintenance/ to the path of your beta installation, e.g.
  • If you are not able to login into maintenance mode, you can disable the authentification by adding the following into the config.php before the closing ?>
define('EQDKP_UPDATE', true);

Please remove this change after you are finished with your update. In Maintenance Area, you have to open the tab "Update" and select the migration update.

  • To replace content in Articles, that are refering to your old data folder, you can use the following query to replace the data folder name.
  • You need to change the prefix "eqdkp10_" to match the prefix of your system.

Upgrade from EQdkp Plus 2.0 to 2.1

You can upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1 using LiveUpdate or doing a manual upgrade.

Known Problems

EQdkp Plus 2.1 not working on Windows Servers

This affects everybody that is using Apache webserver on a windows pc/server. The ThreadStackSize of Apache must be increased to 8388608. More information about this at our board

Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of *** bytes exhausted ...

EQdkp Plus 2.1 needs at least 64MB RAM, because of the new LESS Compiler. The shown value in the error messag tells you how much bytes of memory your system has. Convert this to MB and you know if it is more than 64MB.

Used style has only white background

That's caused by not valid CSS of your style. The new LESS Compiler needs valid CSS. You can check your CSS files using this tool

My own plugins don't show up

Because of Core Changes we needed to increase the API Level of Plugin, therefore plugins have to be adjustet for 2.1. Normally, you simple have to increase the API-Level of the Plugin. More Information are here: Writing a Plugin#API_Levels

Upgrade from EQdkp Plus 2.1 to 2.2

You can upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 using LiveUpdate or doing a manual upgrade.

Known Problems

  • Redirect after LiveUpdate to MaintenanceMode does not work

Upgrade from EQdkp Plus 2.2 to 2.3

You can upgrade from 2.1 or 2.2 to 2.3 doing a manual upgrade. For using the live Update, see this article.

Restoring a backup

If anything goes wrong during the update, you can use your own backup to restore files and database. Nevertheless, EQdkp Plus creates own backups during the update.


During the Live-Update, only files are copied. Database updates will be made in a later step in maintenance area, therefore if problems occur during the Live-Update, you must only restore the files. The Live-Update creates a Zip-Archive called in folder data/<hash|noting>/live_update/update_to_xxx/. Unzip the Zip-Archive and replace the existing files of your EQdkp Plus installation with the ones from the archive (just replace, don't delete anything else on your installation).


Before maintenance tasks will make changes on the database, a backup is created and stored in folder data/<hash|noting>/eqdkp/backup/. The Zip-Archives (e.g. contains the timestamp when they are created, so the one with the highest number is the newest backup. But before restoring, you should make an backup of the current database - just to be on the safe side. The Zip-file contains a .sql file, which can be used to restore the database. Either by using a database management tool like PhpMyAdmin, or using the mysql command if you have shell access.