CSS Snippets

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Add it into the custom.css or into the Global CSS field at the ACP settings.

Game specific background

body {
	background:#000000 url('TEMPLATE_BACKGROUND') no-repeat center top;
	background-attachment: T_BACKGROUND_POSITION;

#wrapper header {
	background: none !important;

Hide Portal Modules on Smartphones

If you want to hide portal modules on Smartphone, get the CSS-Class for the module from the source text in your browser, uncomment the following block and add the CSS Class

@media all and (max-width: 480px) {
	.offi_conf_portal, .birthday_portal {
		display: none;

Give Article Headlines a special color

Giving the article categorie with ID "2" a special color:

.article-container[data-article-category-id="2"] h2 a, .article_detail_container[data-article-category-id="2"] h1{
	color: #efefef;

.article-container[data-article-category-id="2"] .ribbon > span {
	background: linear-gradient(lighten(#efefef,20%) 0%, #efefef 100%);
	color: #000;

Embed EQdkp Plus

See Embed EQdkp Plus

Portalmodules in a row

For the middle positions.

#portal-middle, #portal-footer{

		flex:1 1 auto;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		justify-content: space-around;
		flex: 1 1 auto;
	background-color: none;
	display: flex;
	align-items: flex-end;
	text-align: center;
	flex-wrap: wrap;
	justify-content: center;
			background-color: transparent;}

Color usernames of special group

Here: Group-ID "2"

a[data-user-group-id="2"] {
	color: red !important; 
 a[data-usergroup-id="2"] {
	background-color: red;
[data-user-group-id="2"] img {
	border: 2px solid red !important;


Sort Roles / Classes in custom Order instead of by name

.attendee_table .class_table{
	flex-direction: row-reverse;
.attendee_table .class_column[data-class-id="1"] {
	order: 1;
.attendee_table .class_column[data-class-id="2"] {
	order: 2;
.attendee_table .class_column[data-class-id="3"] {
	order: 3;
.attendee_table .class_column[data-class-id="4"] {
	order: 4;

Add color to signup icons

Raid Event Detail View: 2.3.11 changed the layout of the attendance status indicator. To re-add colours, simply use this code

.raidcal-attendance-status-0 {
	color: #00a400;
.raidcal-attendance-status-1 {
	color: #e9ec00;
.raidcal-attendance-status-2 {
	color: #E80000;
.raidcal-attendance-status-3 {
	color: purple;

Use Flags instead of signup icons

Raid Event Detail View: 2.3.11 changed the layout of the attendance status indicator. Use flag instead of the current icons

.raidcal-attendance-status-0:before, .raidcal-attendance-status-1:before, 
.raidcal-attendance-status-2:before, .raidcal-attendance-status-3:before {
	font-family: FontAwesome;
	content: "\f024";