
From EQdkp Plus
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  • Facebook-Accout, that is registered as Developer


  1. Go to App Page in Facebook Developer Area
  2. Click on the Button "Add a new App"
  3. Insert display name of the App and a contact email address
  4. Select "Integrate Facebook Login" as Scenario
  5. At "Settings" >> "Basic" you will find the App ID and App Secret
  6. Insert App ID and App Secret into the fields at EQdkp Plus Settings, Tab "User"
  7. Insert into the field "Privacy Policy URL" the link to your privacy policy
  8. At the left menu, click on "Facebook Login" >> "Settings"
  9. Insert into the field "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" the following URLs (replace domain.com/path/ with your EQdkp Plus Domain and Path)
Since EQdkp Plus 2.3.4
  1. Enable you app by clicking on the switch button on top right, where it says "OFF"
  2. Choose a category for your app



  • Google-Accout, connected with a cell phone number


  1. Go to the Developer Console of Google and Create a new Project (at top left dropdown)
  2. Insert a name of your new project
  3. Select your newly created project (if not already done) by using the dropdown on top left
  4. Go to "Credentials" and open the tab "OAuth consent screen"
  5. Insert name of the App, upload a logo
  6. Insert into the field "Authorized domains" your domain(s) and save
  7. Go to "Credentials" and open the tab "Credentials"
  8. Click on the button "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth-Client-ID"
  9. Select "Web application" as application type
  10. Insert into the field "Authorized redirect URIs" the following URLs as "Authorized redirect URI"
Since EQdkp Plus 2.3.4
  1. Click on "Create". The Client-ID and Client-Secret are now displayed.
  2. Insert the Client-ID and Client-Secret into the EQdkp Plus Settings, Tab "User".


Please see the Battle.net Login Article


There are no required steps for using the OpenID Logins. All OpenID Providers are supported.


No requirements.

Twitch (since 2.3)

  1. Go to https://dev.twitch.tv/ and create a new application. Insert Client-ID and App Secret into the fields at the EQdkp Plus settings page, Tab "User".
  2. As redirect URL on app creation, use http://yourdomain.com/index.php/auth-endpoint/?lmethod=twitch

Discord (since 2.3)

  1. Go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and create a new application. Insert Client-ID and App Secret into the fields at the EQdkp Plus settings page, Tab "User".
  2. Go the OAuth2-section of the application, and add http://yourdomain.com/index.php/auth-endpoint/?lmethod=discord as redirect URI.

Custom Oauth Provider (since 2.3.17)

This option allows you to integrate any common Oauth Provider, e.g. your Nextcloud installation. As an example, here is the configuration for Discord.

  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Name = Login with Discord
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Client-ID = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Client-Secret = ••••••••
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Scope = identify email
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Authentifaction Endpoint URL = https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Token Endpoint URL = https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/token
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - User Endpoint URL = https://discordapp.com/api/users/@me
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Passing of the Access Token = Bearer Header
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Param for User-ID = id
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Param for Username = username
  • Custom Oauth-Provider - Param for Email address = email

Twofactor Authentication

There are no required steps for using the Twofactor Authentication. User that want to user the Twofactor Authentication need an App that is compatible with RFC6238, e.g. the Google Authenticator.