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Manage Calendars

  • Color: give the calendar a color so that it is easier to identify
  • Calendarname: name of the calendar shown to the user
  • iCal Feed URL: you can include an external iCal Feed to show its entries to the calendar. Inser the URL of this Feed in this field. Select at event type "ical feed".
  • Event type: choose between raid (for characters), event (for users) or ical feed (for ical feeds).
  • Operators only: only users which the administrative permission can add new events for this calendar. If it is disabled
  • Create permissions: select the usergroups which can create events. This groups are used if the option "operators only" is not set.

Create new Calendarevent

There are two different types of calendarevents: raids (for characters) and events (for user).


This option is not available if you have disabled the guild features for your EQdkp Plus Installation. Raids are for your characters, and you can handle the attendees and move them between different raid states.

Left side - Settings:

  • Calendar: select the calender the event should appear in
  • Raid event: select the raid event. The name and icon will be used from the event. You can create new events at the Event Management or clicking on the plus button.
  • Points for the raid: used when you convert the calendarevent into a Raid (see Raidleader)
  • Raidleader: select which characters are the raidleader. Raidleader can manage the raid, means the can approve characters, set another state or confirm them.
  • Start- and Endtime: select start and end of your raid
  • Signup Deadline: choose a deadline so you have enough time to finalise your raid. After the deadline, only raidleaders can signup characters or change states.
  • Repeat: choose if the raid should be repeated
  • Note: some notes for the raid
  • Automatic adding (Groups): select raidgroups that should be automatically added to this raid. Also, the next Dropdown is for selecting the state which the automatically added groups should have.
  • Private raid: only the invited chars can see this raid
  • Invite Raidgroup: select the raidgroup that should be invited to this raid. A notification is sent to the users owning the invited characters.

Right side - Attendees:

  • Raidmode: choose between "class distribution" (the columns are the classes of the chars), "role distribution" (the columns are the existing roles) and "no distribution" (there is only one column).
  • Column Count: insert a number of how many chars you will need for a column. This is for informing the users (e.g. if a class is full), but raidleaders can confirm more chars than the number you have stated in this field.

More information about managing the raid can be found here: Raidleader


Normal events are for users only. They can be used e.g. for "New extension for Game xyz release" or "Real life guild meeting". User can attend to such an event.

  • Calendar: select the calender the event should appear in
  • Name of the event: e.g. "Release of EQdkp Plus 4.6"
  • Icon of the event: will use the icons of the created events
  • Start- and Endtime: select start and end of your event
  • All day event: select if there should be no start- and endtime
  • Location: add a location, e.g. "Teamspeak" or "Munich"
  • Repeat: choose if the event should be repeated
  • Note: some notes for the event
  • Private event: if only the invitated users should be able to see this event
  • Invite user: the users that should see this event. They will get a notification that they are invited.
  • Invite usergroup: usergroups that should see this event. They will get a notification that they are invited.